How To Make An Electric Scooter Faster

How To Make An Electric Scooter Faster [Expert Recommendation]

Unless you’ve got a Tesla, electric vehicles are yet to come a long way when it comes to speed. As for an electric scooter, you can get what I am talking about. Although it’s fun at the beginning, as time passes, you may feel like increasing the speed of the scooter. But how to make an electric scooter faster? That’s quite an interesting question, as a scooter comes with the default setup and capacity. Trying to push the speed would mean you need to do some manipulation on it.

In this piece, we are going to look at some of the easiest ways to increase the speed of your scooter.

How To Make An Electric Scooter Faster? (Ways To Increase The Speed Of The Electric Scooter) 

Ways To Increase The Speed Of The Electric Scooter

Although some of the experts may not recommend playing with an electric scooter’s speed, sometimes it becomes a necessity. There are various ways or hacks if you want to say, to make your scooter go faster than its regular speed.

These may include coupling your scooter’s motor with gears that will deliver more RPM than usual, redefining the maximum voltage, increasing the cooling system, etc.

But you better be careful in executing these methods as these require expert hands. If you yourself are not confident in applying these techniques, do seek help from an expert.

Dangers of Increasing The Speed on Electric Scooter 


As we said earlier, manipulating the speed issues of your e-scooter may ask for expert handling. Apart from that disclaimer, here are some dangers and issues that you may face if you are increasing the speed of your e-scooter.

  • Bike Construction Manipulation

    Most speed increase mechanism involves altering the way the scooter is made. This sometimes does compromise the default settings that are required for the overall synchronization of the vehicle. If you are changing some built-in setups simply to move faster, it may affect the overall performance of the scooter, as well as pose a threat of electric failure at some point.

  • Prone To Accident 

    This goes beyond saying. If you are increasing the scooter’s speed beyond its capacity, it will definitely put you at a bit of risk. You may not be used to the excessive speed of it and at times may lose balance.  

  • Violation of City Rule 

    Most cities nowadays have a limit for the speed an e-scooter can be driven at. Commonly, it falls between 10 to 15 mph. But if you are increasing the speed capacity, you may get up to 25 mph speed on your scooter. This may put you in regulatory issues, as well. It’s not going to be a surprising fact if you get a ticket out of thin air!  

6 Ways To Increase The Speed Of An Electric Scooter

Now that you know the risks and opportunities of a speed hike in an e-scooter, we are going to show you 6 ways on how to make an electric razor scooter faster.  

Infographic How To Make An Electric Scooter Faster

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  • Step One: Remove the Speed Limiter

    Remove the Speed Limiter
    The speed limiter, as you can translate from its name, limits the speed of your scooter. Getting rid of it will definitely mean that you can push your scooter’s speed to the next level. But if you are not too sure about this, don’t do it, or take aid from a technician.

    On the other hand, removing the speed limiter will make the scooter-battery to drain faster than usual. So you may experience lesser runtime in a single charge. It’s better to carry the charger with you in this case.  

  • Step two: Increase the Battery Power

    Increase the Battery Power
    Try to understand the science behind the speed of a scooter. As it’s an electric one, the speed is depended on the power of the battery. The more battery power it comes with, the faster it will move. So, a good way to increase the speed can be by increasing the voltage of the battery.

    This can be simply done by replacing the battery with a new one. You can buy a more powerful battery from the market and place it in the battery holder. There you go! Your scooter will run faster!  

  • Step Three: Change the Tires 

    Change the Tires of Electric Scooter
    The smoother the tires, the faster the wheels will turn. That’s the basic idea on wheels. Check the e-scooter for the type of tire it uses. If you think that you can replace the tires with smoother tires, you should go for it. It will definitely have a positive impact on the speed.

  • Step Four: Add Another Battery

    Add Another Battery to Electric Scooter
    As we’ve said, the more power the battery delivers, the faster the scooter will go. If you can’t find an exact replacement for the existing battery, you can try installing another one with it. This will eventually expand the speed of the scooter quite effectively.  

  • Step Five: Rewind the Motor

    Rewind the Motor of E-Scooter
    Rewinding the motor is another option you can go for. All you need to do is find the coils in the brushed motor of the e-scooter. Now you can decrease the windings that take place with each coil of the motor. And when it is reduced, you can expect more RPM and a reduction in torque, as well.

    Now, as you can tell, this is a technical job that involves risks of the machine and motor getting damaged. Unless you are qualified enough to work and explore such things, you better be very careful in executing this process. The best would be to contact a machinery or motor expert to get the job done for you.

  • Step Six: Change the Sprockets

    Change the Sprockets of an Electric Scooter
    You can also replace the sprockets on the front with longer ones. And for the rear one, you can use shorter sprockets. This will add a few extra miles per hour, giving you a feeling of increased speed.

    So these were the 6 answers to how to make an electric mobility scooter go faster. With the required precautions, you can easily implement these changes in your scooter and run faster with it.  

Final Words

E-Scooters or kick scooter are meant for daily commuting to shorter distances. And as we all know and feel, shorter distances don’t demand much speed. So it’s better to stick to the default speed an e-scooter comes with. Still, at times, it may be better if the scooter runs faster and if you can do something about it. So, if you feel confident, check out these tips on how to make an electric scooter faster, and let us know what you have done!

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